2023 March Board Book

Health & Wellness Farm-To-Table Travel Journal

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Consumer Results: 250 Stories/209M Impressions, 9 Posts/>1M Impressions Health & Wellness Professional Results: 6 Posts/991k Impressions • Idea Fit: 74K Impressions • National Athletic Trainers Association: 50K Impressions

The CMAB worked with pro football sports dietitian, Jordan Mazur, MS, RD, on a video travel journal featuring visits to three California dairy farms to better understand where the foods he eats – and those his players rely on for fueling and recovery – come from. Jordan’s farm-to training table visit shared messages of discovery about where the real milk we love comes from, how dairy cows are like athletes, and how farmers are investing in technology for continuous improvement in cow care and sustainable production for the future. This messaging was posted and amplified through the CMAB’s LinkedIn and Jordan’s social channels and through the National Athletic Trainers Association (NATA) and Idea Fit.

California Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Continuing Education Results: 2 Posts/>2.5M Impressions • Webinar Attendees: 178 Registered Dietitians/Nutrition Professionals • California Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Promotions: 1 Story/51K Impressions • Latinos and Hispanics in Dietetics and Nutrition (LAHIDAN) eBlast: 1 Story/250 Impressions • Registered Dietitian Newsletter: 1 Story/250 Impressions CMAB’s sponsored health-professional Webinar with the California Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (CAND) leveraged the popularity of TikTok as a platform for dairy health & wellness content sharing/mythbusting as presented by RD social influencers Andres Ayesta (@andresthedietitian) and Jenna Werner (@happystronghealthy). Their sample content busting common milk and dairy myths was posted to their TikTok channels and generated millions of views.

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