2022 September Board Book

Sustainability LA Times Article Promotion Sponsored Social Posts/Banner Ad Results : 896K Impressions Sustainable Grazing Board Results: 1,041 Stories/249M Impressions

A Sustainable Grazing Board image and storyline was created to highlight the byproducts that make up a California dairy cow’s diet and share the story how the use of byproducts from food and fiber production reduce the need to source other feed and reduces water and land usage, while also keeping byproducts out of landfills. The sustainable grazing board and sustainability message was shared through Real California Milk’s owned social media platforms, as well as with the media.

Mythbusting Dairy Mythbusting Taboola Health & Wellness Results : 11.9M Impressions Sustainability Results: 12.3M Impressions

The CMAB continued the search + intercept and content discovery campaigns designed to dispel common myths about California dairy topics like sustainability, health, and wellness. This included sponsored ads through Taboola, as well as ongoing promotion for the three-part article partnership with the LA Times.

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