2022 September Board Book

• G rams Fat ( grams ) : 2.5 • Satuuated Fat tgramsJ: 1.5 • Calcium: 30% Daily Value • Vitamin D: 25% Daily Value

Not only is milk a nutritional powerhouse, but it also has myriad health benefits from improving bone health to helping to maintain a healthy heart, may enhance your athletic performance, and can even help reduce the risk for obesity and type 2 diabetes. Read on to find out how, and for more on how to eat healthy, don't miss Eating Habits to Lose Abdominal Fat As You Age, Say Dietitians.

0 It's a natural performance enhancer.


There's no reason to pay top-shelf prices for pre and post-workout drinks when you can simply enjoy milk and obtain similar performance-enhancing benefits. According to Jordan Mazur, MS, RD, Director of Pe1formance Nuh·ition for the San Francisco 49ers, "real milk and dairy has a powerful nutrient package with 13 essential nutrients like high-quality protein, calcium, iron, zinc and vitamin D, is a friend to both flexitarian and vegetarian eating patterns, and conh·ibutes nuh·ients that athletes st r uggle to consume but are important for suppo1ting performance and recovery." Mazur includes milk on athletes' training tables because it helps active individuals meet the three Rs of recovery: rebuild, refuel and rehydrate. It's also one of the most affordable sources of calcium, vitamin D, and other essential micronuhients that sp01ts-minded people need to be their best. In addition, numerous studies with whey and casein, the two main proteins in milk, help build muscle mass and enhance recover y .

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