2022 September Board Book

EatThis, NotThat?

DRINK THIS, NOT THAT! ( ✓ Expert-Recommended) 4 Surprising Effects of Drinking Milk, Say Dietitians While many people associate milk with bone health, drinking this beverage is also linked to other health benefits.

By Julie Upton, MS, RO, CSSO / Published on June 15, 2022 I 11:05 AM



There are many reasons why you may drink milk. It could be to improve your bone health, to improve heait health, reduce the risk of obesit y, and more. En j oying a cup or hvo ofmilk eve1y day is one of the best ways to get readily available calcium and vitamin D into your diet to help you build and maintain strong bones. However, the benefits of drinking milk extend well beyond your bones and teeth. This is because cow's milk is chock full of 13 essential nutrients, including vitainin B12, riboflavin, niacin, potassium, phosphorus, vitaminA, zinc, and selenium. "I recommend drinking lnilk for anyone looking to add more protein and vitamins such as vitaminA, B12, and D into their diet," said CarlyKnowles, MS, RD, a registered dietitian, and doula. "My personal favorite and go-to milk is Organic Valley's Grassmilk whole milk for the added health benefit of e}..tra omega-3 fatty acid (healthy fat) and CIA content, and that's because their cows spend 50 percent more time outside than the organic standard."

Here's a look at the core nutrition facts in a cup of 1% cow's milk:

• Calories: 100 • Protein (grams): 8 • Carbohydrate ( grams): 13

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