2022 September Board Book

Continuing Education


The Frozen Dessert Innovation class took place in June and was well attended by close to 20 processors in California, as well as several entrepreneurs interested in starting a frozen dessert business. It was sponsored by CDIC as well as industry, with the participation of CalPoly and Cornell faculty and suppliers to the industry as instructors. The 2-day class featured hands-on demonstrations as well as technical and marketing lectures, and received excellent ratings from all participants.

Upcoming short courses: January 8-9, 2023 Coffee, Tea, Milk and Creamers – The Science of Milk and Art of Coffee Chapman University, Ranney Processing Lab, Orange, California This workshop will introduce students to the science of roasting coffee, milk, and creamers fundamentals, and how to develop innovative coffee and tea milk-based products. Experts will share tips on formulations for ready-to-drink aseptic and shelf-stable products and processing know-how.

January 18-21, 2023 Better Process Control School - for Dairy Processors

Chapman University, Food science Department, Orange, California This course applies to processors of aseptically packaged foods, including dairy milks and milk-based beverages. Under GMP regulations for thermally-processed foods, each processor must have on staff a supervisor who has successfully completed a course in the principles of thermal processing and container

closure evaluation. Chapman University is approved to provide such training and is recognized by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (USFDA) and the U.S. Department of Agriculture – Food Safety and Inspection Service (USDA-FSIS).

February 9-10, 2023 Dairy Processing Operations Workshop Dairy Product Technology Center, CalPoly, San Luis Obispo

This workshop will focus on the fundamentals and building blocks of dairy processing. It will feature thermal processing, homogenization and separation processes, enzymatic processes, microbial fermentation, high-pressure processing, concentration and drying, sanitation and state of the art QA. Hands-on demonstration in the pilot plant. Registration coming soon at https://dairy.calpoly.edu/short-course-symposia

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