2022 September Board Book

Diversifying Product Portfolio

Drinkable Yogurts, Kefirs and more – No sugar-added CDIC started the development of a line of base formulations for drinkable yogurts with no sugar added. The formulations will fill a market gap and meet customers demand for no-sugar added, healthier yogurt-based drinks. The study is taking place at CalPoly San Luis Obispo, with the guidance of industry consultants. Sensory testing will be conducted in Q4. The base formulations will be promoted to industry in collaboration with CMAB Processors Relations team. Future applications will focus on kefir and other on-trend fermented dairy products.

Hydroscoops, Pog Bites – California Student Teams Finalists in Innovation Contests CDIC, with CMAB’s Business Development

Team support, worked with CalPoly San Luis Obispo and CalPoly Pomona student teams to refine their new product concepts and help develop prototypes. Hydroscoops is an “hydration” frozen dessert

that was finalist in a campus-wide innovation competition held at CalPoly SLO, while Pog Bites snacks received a bronze medal in the nationwide DMI student competition in July. CDIC staff will further engage multiple student/faculty teams throughout the state in preparation for the 2023 competitions. The projects not only lead to new product concepts but also effectively support CDIC workforce development strategies.


Developing bio-plastics from permeate streams

CDIC is collaborating with UC Davis-based Dr. Zhong to scale-up a process to manufacture compostable bioplastics from whey. The process includes fermentation of permeate, a co-product from cheese and whey protein manufacture, for the production of a bio-plastic that is biodegradable and compostable. It is innovative and commercially scalable. Both continuous and batch processes will be optimized, and the project with feature a collaboration with the USDA Agricultural Research Center (Albany) to test the functionality and potential applications of the material into flexible films and multiple containers. The 18-month project will be co-funded by DMI.

Photo courtesy USDA ARS, Bioproduct Chemistry and Engineering Research Unit

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