2020 December Board Book

Reframe Dairy Health/Nutrition

140 Stories/Mentions

104 M Impressions

4. ACTIVATION XX impressions XX mentions 5. ACTIVATION XX impressions XX mentions 2. EARNED MEDIA 3.9 M Impressions Pitch milk and vitamin D story 3. JORDAN MAZUR AMPLIFICATION 2.5 M Impressions Paid social amp around healthy snacking 2. TACTIC XX metric TOP 3 TACTICAL ACTIVATIONS Ranked by over a l l imp r es s i ons 1. SNACKCELERATOR RELEASE 96.4 M Impressions Dairy nutrition story with culinary inspiration

KEY INSIGHTS Immuni ty i s a growing t rend that consumers are seeking f rom food. A re lat ionship wi th a regi s tered di et i t ian, who al so wr i tes for media out l et s , was l everaged to place a mi l k and immuni ty s tory , al igning dai ry wi th thi s t rend. Soc ial content f rom a pro spor t s team nut r i t ioni s t was ampl i f i ed wi th paid dol lars to increase awareness of dai ry ’ s benef i t for mental and phys i cal energy among consumers interes ted in heal th, f i tness and nut r i t ion.

3. TACTIC XX metric

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