2020 December Board Book
Promote Ice Cream
15 Stories/Mentions
1.3 M Impressions
4. ACTIVATION XX impressions XX mentions 5. ACTIVATION XX impressions XX mentions 2. INFLUENCER PARTNER CONTENT 387 K Impressions A Cozy Kitchen social content 2. TACTIC XX metric TOP 2 TACTICAL ACTIVATIONS Ranked by over a l l imp r es s i ons 1. MICROINFLUENCER CONTENT 917 K Impressions Dairy nutrition story with culinary inspiration
KEY INSIGHTS Inf luencers – inc luding 6
mi croinf luencers and 1 mid- t i er – deve loped 15 pi eces of content dur ing I ce Cream Month. Content highl ighted how i ce cream br ings fami l i es together and generates lot s of smi l es . Thi s content di rec t ion, combined wi th others thi s quar ter , he lped show the var i ety of ways dai ry foods can enhance our mood.
3. TACTIC XX metric
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