2019 September Board Book
Expand Ethnic Foods & Marginalize Margarine (tied)
147 Stories/Mentions Each
23.6 M Impressions Each
KEY INSIGHTS Chef Me l i ssa King created two new rec ipes featur ing Hi spani c - s ty l e cheese and but ter , generat ing f resh content for CMAB. Several publ i c i ty ef for t s l everaged the content , max imi z ing CMAB’ s inves tment . • A press re l ease drove the mos t impress ions • Digi tal adver t i s ing drove v i s i t s to the Real Cal i fornia Mi l k webs i te; headl ines tout ing the San Franc i sco-based chef connec t ion garnered the mos t engagement
4. ACTIVATION XX impressions XX mentions 5. ACTIVATION XX impressions XX mentions 2. CHEF MELISSA DIGITAL AD 2.9 M Impressions Two-recipes geo-targeted in California 3. CHEF MELISSA INSTAGRAM 165 K Impressions Social post + amplification in California TOP 3 TACTICAL ACTIVATIONS Ranked by over a l l imp r es s i ons 1. JUNE DAIRY MONTH RELEASE 20.2 M Impressions Chef Melissa King content, entertaining
2. TACTIC XX metric
3. TACTIC XX metric
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