2019 September Board Book


325 Stories/Mentions

45.9 M Impressions

1 Sustainability Summit Event

4. ACTIVATION XX impressions XX mentions 5. ACTIVATION XX impressions XX mentions 2. JUNE DAIRY MONTH RELEASE 20.2 M Impressions Chef Melissa content, summer entertaining 3. CHEF MELISSA DIGITAL AD 2.9 M Impressions Two recipes geo-targeted in California TOP 3 TACTICAL ACTIVATIONS Ranked by over a l l imp r es s i ons 1. PROCLAMATION RELEASE 20.5 M Impressions Governor’s recognition of RCM Month

KEY INSIGHTS Two press re l eases told di f ferent s tory angl es to mark June Dai ry Month. A re l ease that highl ighted the dai ry indus t ry ’ s cont r ibut ions to Cal i fornia generated the mos t impress ions for Q2. The second re l ease featured innovat i ve chef rec ipes and summer enter taining t ips , l everaging content f rom a retai l promot ional brochure .

2. TACTIC XX metric

3. REAL PEOPLE, FAMILY FARMS A pi ece by CEO John Talbot s t rongl y pos i t ioned Cal i fornia dai ry ’ s sus tainabi l i ty ef for t s .

3. TACTIC XX metric

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