2019 September Board Book
Win with Healthy Snacking
2.1 M Impressions
37 Stories/Mentions
4. ACTIVATION XX impressions XX mentions 5. ACTIVATION XX impressions XX mentions 2. NOURISH INFLUENCER EVENT 290 K Impressions 10 Social posts 3. DIET ASSASSINISTA SOCIAL POSTS 177 K Impressions 10 Social posts 2. TACTIC XX metric TOP 3 TACTICAL ACTIVATIONS Ranked by over a l l imp r es s i ons 1. RUN EAT REPEAT SOCIAL POSTS 1.4 M Impressions 10 Social posts
KEY INSIGHTS Nour i sh, a heal th & we l lness event for LA-based inf luencers , educated at tendees about dai ry we l lness to bet ter prepare the inf luencers to te l l the dai ry s tory . Ongoing par tners t i ed Cal i fornia dai ry to heal thy snacking and nut r i t ious eat ing wi th appeal ing, on- t rend content . Nurse Barb shared research based informat ion for reduc ing r i sk of diabetes , as we l l as the need for dai ry consumpt ion for s tudent athl etes .
3. TACTIC XX metric
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