2019 March Board Book
Expand Ethnic Foods Q4 2018
KEY INSIGHTS Hi spani c - sty l e cheeses were integrated into a wide range of heal thy , as we l l as hol iday enter taining content across soc ial and t radi t ional media. A regional act i vat ion on the east coast added to the sur round- sound communi cat ion in suppor t of the bus iness deve lopment campaign. Whi l e smal l er in impress ions , mi croinf luencer s proved very ef fect i ve in regional inf luence among fami l y and f r i ends .
1,188 Stories/Mentions
32.9 M Impressions
4. ACTIVATION XX impressions XX mentions 5. ACTIVATION XX impressions XX mentions 2. MICROINFLUENCERS 1.7 M Impressions Holiday entertaining posts in southeast region 3. HEALTH INFLUENCERS 585 K Impressions Healthy snacking and holiday entertaining posts 2. TACTIC XX metric 3. TACTIC XX metric TOP 3 TACTICAL ACTIVATIONS Ranked by ove r a l l imp r e s s i ons 1. ENTERTAINING RELEASE 30.6 M Impressions Recipes w/CA cheeses, including Hispanic-style
TOP 3 MESSAGES* Ranked by ove r a l l imp r e s s i ons 1. LOOK FOR THE RCM SEAL 32.9 M Impressions
1. TACTIC XX metric
2. REAL PEOPLE, FAMILY OWNED 32.5 M Impressions
2. TACTIC XX metric
3. REAL FOOD 32.1 M Impressions
3. TACTIC XX metric
*Total impressions exceed the topline number due to stories/mentions including more than one message
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