2019 March Board Book


KEY INSIGHTS Several act i vat ions drove meaning for the Real Cal i fornia Mi l k seal . A keynote address at the CA Dai ry Sustainabi l i ty Summi t , suppor ted wi th new research, shared how the CA dai ry indust ry can l everage i ts sustainabi l i ty l eader ship. Two media re l eases suppor ted bus iness deve lopment ef for ts and generated the highest amount of impress ions dur ing the quar ter .


1 Sustainability Summit Event

1,378 Stories/Mentions

61.1 M Impressions

Dairy leadership & industry integration w/CA Dairy Sustainability Summit, Dairy Social Team, animal activist support

TOP 3 MESSAGES* Ranked by ove r a l l imp r e s s i ons 1. LOOK FOR THE RCM SEAL 60.9 M Impressions

4. ACTIVATION XX impressions XX mentions 5. ACTIVATION XX impressions XX mentions 2. SALTY VS SWEET RELEASE 20.3 M Impressions Consumer survey and healthy snacking info 3. MICROINFLUENCERS 464 K Impressions Holiday entertaining posts in southeast region 2. TACTIC XX metric 3. TACTIC XX metric 1. ENTERTAINING RELEASE 30.6 M Impressions Holiday entertaining w/CA dairy content TOP 3 TACTICAL ACTIVATIONS Ranked by ove r a l l imp r e s s i ons

1. TACTIC XX metric

2. REAL FOOD 60.8 M Impressions

2. TACTIC XX metric

3. REAL PEOPLE, FAMILY FARMS 51.5 M Impressions

3. TACTIC XX metric

*Total impressions exceed the topline number due to stories/mentions including more than one message

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