2024 September Board Book


California Dairy Quality Assurance Program (CDQAP) Enters 25th Year of Service, Pg. 6 Dairy Cares Communications Finds Success with Multimedia Messaging, Pg. 8 Fellowship Keeps Experienced Workers Employed in California, Pg. 10

Can’t Tolerate Lactose but Love Dairy Products?, Pg. 11 IMGC Makes a Big SPLASH! Going into 20th Year, Pg. 12

Finding Potential and Increasing the Value of Permeate Streams, Pg. 13 Grape Pomace Mixed in Feed Can Reduce Dairy Cattle Emissions, Pg. 14

CURRENT PROJECTS PORTFOLIO Partnership for Climate-Smart Commodities Grant and Dairy PLUS Program, Pg. 16

Production of Pathogen-Free Pelletized and Granulated Products from Dairy Manure Solids, Pg. 16 Dairy Cares Communications and California Dairy Quality Assurance Program (CDQAP) Support, Pg. 16 Benchmarking and Describing California Dairy Sustainability Metrics, Pg. 17 Scoping the Environmental Feasibility of DairyMAR (Managed Aquifer Recharge), Pg. 17 Effect of Nanobubbles on Dairy Manure Greenhouse Gases, Pg. 17 Evaluation of Manure Treatment Technologies, Pg. 17 Piloting Dairy Manure Subsurface Drip Irrigation System for Almonds, Pg. 18 Enhancing the Climate Sustainability of Dairy Forage Production by Reducing Water Use and N 2 O Emissions with Manure Subsurface Drip Irrigation, Pg. 18 Reducing Enteric Methane: Characterizing and Quantifying a Flaxseed Product, Pg. 18 Composting as an Economical and Sustainable Emergency Animal Mortality Option, Pg. 18 Protection, Restoration, and Enhancement of Tricolored Blackbird Habitat, Pg. 19 Evaluation of Protocols for Acidifying Milk Fed to Calves in California, Pg. 19 Optimized Controls for Cooling California Dairy Cows, Pg. 19 The Yogurt Matrix During Digestion: Benefits of Milk Composition and Structure, Pg. 20 Bovine Milk and Non-dairy Alternatives: Characterization of Oligosaccharides Structures, Abundance and Functions, Pg. 20 The Effect of Yogurt on Mucosal Immunity in the Gastrointestinal Tract, Pg. 20 SPLASH! milk science update and the International Milk Genomics Consortium (IMGC) , Pg. 20 Needs Assessment and use of Fermented Dairy products by WIC-Eligible Women, Infants, and Children, Pg. 21 Improve Gut Function with Fermented Dairy Foods, Pg. 21 Milk Type in Toddlers (TOT): Evaluation of the Microbiome, Pg. 21 Dairy Co-Products Role in Gut-Brain Function , Pg. 22 Dairy Fats as Healthy Fats: Interactions with the Gut Microbiota, Pg. 22 California Dairy Quality Assurance Program (CDQAP), Pg. 23 Feed Industry Fellowship with a Focus on Dairy Feeding Systems, Pg. 23


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