2024 March Board Book
which Trout says are a result of the enzymatic process that breaks larger starch molecules into smaller units.
One cup of Oatly's Original Oatmilk contains 7 grams of sugar, compared to 12 grams in whole cow's milk. So why all of tl1e fuss over oat milk's sugar? For tl1ose who critique oat milk, it's more about the type of sugru: Glucose is at the base of sinlple and complex cru·bohydrates. It's also what all carbohydrates you eat ru·e broken down into dming digestion. There are a va1iety of carbohydrates ranging from small sinlple sugars like glucose, fructose, and sucrose, to more complex stru·ches and fibers made up of smaller units of glucose. You've probably heru·d of the glycemic index, which rates cru·bohydrates on how they inlpact your blood sugru� from zero to 100. Rolled oats have a GI of about 55. Once broken down into oat milk, it produces maltose, which has a ve1y high GI of over 100. Recent discourse has blasted oat milk for its potential ability to spike one's blood sugar. While Trout said maltose has a very high glycemic index, she said glycemic load is more useful because it takes into account tl1e serving size of the food. "If you're consuming oat milk in a smoothie witl1 otl1er nutrient dense ingredients, or add a splash to your coffee, tl1e glycemic load is likely lower� so you won't see a blood glucose spike," she said. "The type of cru·bohydrates and tl1e way they are arranged in a food system has a big impact on digestion and metabolism," she said. "If sugars are eaten with fiber� fats and proteins, these larger molecules tend to slow down cru·bohydrate metabolism, and you won't get a fast spike of glucose in your blood." If can't live without your daily oat milk latte, but want to avoid tl1e blood sugar spike, just make sure to eat something with a bit of protein and fat. While I'll be sticking to my regular cappuccino witl1 cow's milk, as witl1 anything, moderation is key. Just like a glass of orange juice or croissant, how oat milk is consumed dete1mines its effect on your blood sugar.
So is this the end for oat milk? Unlikel y. Back in 2020, people thought almond milk was on its way out due to the environmental impact of
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