2024 March Board Book

agam been brougllt mto question, mcluctmg Uatly's addition of rapeseed oil. Critics warn that it will raise your blood sugar. Many people have turned their backs on oat milk, saying they've been duped into thinking it was a wellness ingredient.

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I had to get to the bottom of this so-called "suga water" that claims to be a healthy alternative. A 2021 article in Outside chalked it up to marketing: "Oatly markets itself as a super nutritious and game-changing beverage, when actually it's just another drink." As for what's in it, the nutritional value of plant-based milks varies based on what tl1ey're made from. But unlike cow's milk, they lack essential amino acids and are considered an incomplete protein, according to Rosema1y Trout, program director of culinary arts and food science at Drexel University. While oat milk has a small amount of healthy beta glucans, she said there are some health concerns to tl1ink about. This includes tl1e ways it's processed, its sugar content, and additives like dicalcium phosphate and plant oils. Some oat milk, like Oatly, has rapeseed oil, a type of vegetable oil. So where does all the sugar come from? Oat milk is made by soaking oats in water, blending, and straining the liquid. The sugar is created as a result of tl1e production process. Below tl1e nutrition label on many cartons, tl1ere's a statement about sugars being produced in the making of oa t milk .Theproductionof oatmilkcreatessugars called maltose

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