2023 September Board Book

2023 Q2 Farmer Facebook Page Report

Membership During Q2, the members of the California Dairy Farmers Facebook page experienced a .68 % decrease in followers from 770 followers at the start of Q2 to 768 followers at the end of Q2. The page saw a total of 77 new membership requests, with 5 individuals deemed appropriate for membership on the page. Of the 71 new membership requests to the page that were declined, one individual was blocked. Post Engagement There were 39 posts during Q2, which is lower than the average of 66 posts quarterly over the past 18 quarters, but higher than Q1, which saw 37 posts. There were 275 reactions (likes, comments, shares) during the quarter, down 36 percent from the previous quarter (433 reactions), which averages about 7.1 engagements per post. 1) A post on June 11 th from Jennifer Giambroni reflecting on our World Milk Day CMAB’s CADAIRY4GOOD Giving Gallons initiative to raise money for fluid milk donations with our partners at Raley’s. This post reached 140 members and had 89 interactions. 2) A post from Melissa Lema on June 5 th , sharing a photo from the District 4 Dairy Princesses’ participation in the recent Hilmar Dairy Festival. This post reached 413 members, with 62 overall reactions. The two posts with the highest engagement both came from CMAB:

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