2023 May Board Book

Q1 Consumer Snapshot (Content from Coverage Tracker) 121 Stories/Posts

Key Insights from Results • CMAB tapped into the tinned fish food trend to generate the piece of content with the most impressions on MarthaStewart.com • Recycle the Jug sponsored content drove the second highest number of impressions, while related website traffic generated more engagement with the homepage versus other campaign promotions • California dairy sustainability storytelling was part of nearly half of the quarter’s impressions and included various content pieces with water and sustainable nutrition messaging • Health & Wellness peer-to-peer education targeted providers with both English and Spanish language materials and gave tips for dairy consumption with lactose sensitivities

24.9M Impressions CMAB-Driven Traditional + Social + Paid + Earned 47% CA Dairy + Sustainability Percent of Total Impressions*

CMAB-Driven Traditional + Social + Paid + Earned 55% RCM Seal Message Percent of Total Impressions* 19% CA Dairy + Health & Wellness Percent of Total Impressions*

Content Highlights

11% Golden

State/Freestyle Percent of Total Impressions*

"Try lightly tossing tuna with capers and thinly sliced preserved lemons, pairing with hard, nutty aged cheese like a real California milk carmody or dry Jack reserve”

Priority Products Percent of Impressions* Cheese: 50% Fluid Milk, Yogurt, Hispanic-Style Dairy: 8%

Priority Occasions Percent of Impressions* Snacking: 53%

Content with Most Impressions

Sustainability Messaging was included in Various Content

*may exceed 100%, as a story/post can include multiple priorities/messages

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