2022 September Board Book

Total community of 37,295 followers in Facebook and 3,271 followers in Instagram. Total results: 1,045 impressions and 1,000 people reached for both platforms.

Website Total users who visited the site this month 6,489 where 91.9% are new users, this month our bounce rate decreases to 89% (-1.6% compared to last period). Main traffic sources of this month: Organic Search and Direct links: foodservice and where to buy. This increase is due to our communication strategy with the landing pages of Mexipan and Expo Gastronomica. Finally, the most popular affinities of our current users are Food & Dining/Cooking Enthusiasts/30-minute chefs; which means that consumers are looking for more recipe ideas and easiest ways to enjoy dairy products in their daily meals. LANDING PAGE EXPO GASTRONÓMICA/MEXIPAN 2022 Through a QR Code, attendees would be re-directed to this landing page to find relevant information of RCM, and would also work as a platform to collect new leads with a link to the “distributors” tab on the website.

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