2022 September Board Book
California Freestyle Campaign Delivered High Profile Earned Media in English + Spanish
• 5 press releases were di str ibuted, which combined represented 96% of stor ies/impress ions; the Sustainable Grazing Board release drove the most pick up at 1,041 stor ies wi th top-t ier media LA Times and SF Gate among the top 3 publ icat ions that picked up the story Sustainable Grazing Board Release Drove the Most Stories and Impressions
Key Insights from Results • Several key act ivat ions launched in Q2, which increased the number of stor ies by 10x and tr ipled the number of PR impress ions versus Q1; act ivat ions included Retai l Support: Tacos Tequi la y Más, Summer Snacking; News Engine: Sustainable Grazing Board, Excelerator , Shredding Hunger ; and Cal i fornia Freestyle Content Highl ights
• Cal i fornia Freestyle generated the most widespread PR resul ts, wi th 30 pieces of or iginal content from earned, paid, and inf luencer tact ics in Engl i sh and Spani sh
RCM Seal
CMAB-Driven Traditional + Social + Paid + Earned 98%
CA Dairy +
Percent of Total Impressions*
Percent of Total Impressions*
Priority Products Percent of Impressions* Cheese: 64%
Fluid Milk: 53%
Hispanic-Dairy: 39%
(Content from Coverage Tracker) 3.4K Stories/Posts CMAB-Driven Traditional + Social + Paid + Earned 62% CA Dairy +
Health & Wellness Percent of Total Impressions* 39%
CA Dairy +
Percent of Total Impressions*
Q2 Consumer Snapshot
Priority Occasions Percent of Impressions* Snacking: 25% Breakfast: 0.7%
*may exceed 100%, as a story/post can include multiple priorities/messages
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