2022 September Board Book
other carb-rich foods. In a review article published in Nut r ition Research Reviews, researchers revealed that the proteins in milk enhance satiety more than carbohy d rate or fat and that the whey and casein in milk can help regulate yom food intake, lower blood sugar levels, and may help reduce overall body fat by boosting the fat-burning. Having a glass ofmilk before a meal may provide additional weight loss benefits. In another study published in the AmericanJournal ofClinical Nut r ition subjects who had consumed whey protein prior to their meals consumed fewer calories during their meal and had a lower blood sugar response to the meal.
0 It helps prevent type 2 diabetes.
An article published in Nutrition Journal found that individuals with pre diabetes or those at high 1iskfor developing type 2 diabetes can prevent it by including low-fat daily products in their eating plan eve1y day. The study repo1ted that among 639 adults who were followed for nearly a decade, those who rep01ted including more low-fat dairy in their diet significantly reduced their risk of developing type 2 diabetes, compared to those who reported having fewer than half a serving of daily per da y . Those who repo1ted drinking low-fat milk reduced their Iisk of developing type 2 diabetes by 41%. Incorporating one to two servings of milk to your meals and snacks is a wonderful way to hnprove your overall health and wellbeing. Since milk is affordable and versatile, you'll never get tired of adding healthful milk to yom diet.
Julie Upton, MS, RD, CSSD Julie Upton is an award-v,inning regiscered d·e:itian and communica:ions specia ·st who has wftten th0<..sands of articles for rational med i a outlets. including Tt-e NewYer,: Tmes, US News &World Report, and USATocay. Read mare
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