2022 March Board Book

CDIC will organize its first industry conference in 2022: October 11-14: Product, Process, Packaging Innovation Conference, with Export Session The program for the 3-day conference was developed with the Scientific committee, speakers are being invited and registration is open. The conference will take place in Shell Beach, CA and is organized with the assistance of the Cal Poly San Luis Obispo Dairy Products Innovation Center. Web-Based Resources The CDIC’s website in under development. It will serve as hub for on-line short-courses, feature a formulation library and multiple resources for California producers and processors interested in innovation. Internships  Three internships are being offered to Fresno State University students. The students will work on projects designed to identify gaps and opportunities for innovation for Hispanic and Ethnic dairy products, and on building a Hispanic dairy product formulation library.  Two internships are in development to be offered to Cal Poly San Luis Obispo students. The interns will work on cataloguing the existing formulary, developing updated industrial recipes, testing formulations, and creating typical nutrition labels. Institute of Food Technologist Southern California Suppliers Night, March 10 CDIC, in collaboration with Business Development, will exhibit at the IFT Suppliers Night to networking with students, industry and suppliers. The exhibit will feature CDIC programs, training opportunities and it will highlight the diversity of careers in the dairy industry. Dairy Processing Curriculum at Cal Poly Humboldt CDIC offered technical support and resources to develop a dairy processing curriculum at the “new” Cal Poly. In its infancy, this long-term project would be fully implemented in 2024. It will broaden enrollment in dairy processing courses, and also serve the large number of minority students enrolled in this University, thereby diversifying and strengthening our workforce base. On-line Dairy Processing Certificate – Partnership with Oregon State Working with Oregon State (as part of the Pacific coast Coalition), CDIC is seeking to offer the first bi-lingual, on-line Dairy Processing Certificate, building upon the curriculum in development by OSU in 2022. The longer-term project will be implemented in 2023. It will V. Attracting New Workforce

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