2022 March Board Book

College Dairy Advocacy Program

The Cal Poly College Dairy Advocacy Program was initiated in 2019 with the intent to enlist a group of students, under the guidance of the CMAB, to conduct outreach and education in the Cal Poly and San Luis Obispo communities to help improve overall agriculture literacy. In addition to the opportunity to promote agriculture, students involved in the program gain networking opportunities with leaders in the California dairy industry and receive advocacy communication training from the CMAB's public relations team. In light of Covid, this program redirected by using social media as the key platform until in-person opportunities are permitted. In December, two new advocates were identified to join the efforts.

Avery Orr of Modesto is a second-year dairy science major at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo. Although from a very agricultural area, she does not come from an Ag family. Growing up her close friends farmed almonds and her favorite memories were building forts in the orchards and swimming in the irrigation pond. She became interested in dairy her junior year of high school on a tour of a dairy. Ever since then she’s become involved in local dairies, learning about the day to day on a dairy, and this year is employed as an outside milker at the Cal Poly dairy. Avery expressed “since becoming more involved in dairy and agriculture it has given me a large appreciation and respect for all the work that goes into getting food on our tables. ” Sky Williams is from Wasco and is a second year Dairy Science major at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo. She grew up involved in 4-H and then in FFA where she raised all forms of livestock from swine to steers. Sky chose to become a dairy science major because she is inspired by the industry. Sky hopes to have an occupation in dairy marketing- something that involves advocating for the dairy industry. She is very passionate about spreading the word of the dairy industry, and shedding a positive light on it, “which is why I am so excited to be a part of this team.”

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