2022 March Board Book
Dairy Princess Program
2022 Contests Dates District
Application Deadline Friday, March 18th Friday, March 4 th Sunday, May 1 st Thursday, May 12 th Friday, April 22 nd Friday, March 4 th Friday, April 22 nd
Contest Date
Location Fortuna Petaluma Orland Turlock Hanford
Friday, May 13 th
District 1 District 2 District 3 District 4
Saturday, April 23rd
Thursday, June 16 th Friday, June 24 th Friday, April 29 th Friday, June 10 th
District 5 Central District 5 North District 5 South
Fresno Tulare
Recruitment for 2022 candidates is underway. The application is live on the website at https://californiadairypressroom.com/ca-dairy-princesses. Each district plans to host a contest that will be conducive to their area when considering the covid status and county mandates. All of them anticipate an in-person event, albeit modified or back to “normal.” Dairy Princess Activities Opportunities for live and virtual school visits within each district have varied. Each district continues to seek opportunities to engage. From November 2021 – January 2022, the Dairy Princesses and Alternates have collectively made 7 school visits- four via Zoom and three in person; several holiday parades and socials with over 4,700 connections; 235 social media posts were made generating approximately 26,442 impressions (“likes” and “views”).
District 1 Tractor Parade
District 6 Dairy Princess Classroom Visit
Anastasia Stuyt is the new CMAB Dairy Princess Program Coordinator. Some of you may know her through her family’s business, Stuyt Farmstead Cheese Company in Oakdale where she is the head cheesemaker. This position was vacated by Tiffany Nielsen who resigned in order to care for ailing family members.
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