2022 March Board Book
of Oakland. USDA will also offset additional logistics costs at $125 per container. The USDA expects this project will aid movement of US agricultural products through quicker pickup of empty containers as the main terminal is bypassed; access to available equipment; and fewer unpredictable congestion surcharges for trucks. Delays and disruptions in export shipping have cost the US dairy industry alone well over $1.3 billion through just the first three quarters of 2021.
❖ Saputo USA to expand California plants and close Tulare Cut/Wrap
Saputo Inc. recently announced several major capital investments and consolidation initiatives intended to enhance and streamline its manufacturing footprint in its USA and International sectors. Changes affecting the USA Sector, include plans to invest approximately $169 million towards the modernization and expansion of cheese manufacturing facilities in California and Wisconsin to support their growth plans. The USA initiatives will begin in the fourth quarter of fiscal 2022 (the company’s 2022 fiscal year ends on Mar. 31, 2022) and are expected to take approximately 24 months to implement. In addition, Saputo plans to consolidate their cut-and-wrap activities in its West Coast operations by closing its Bardsley Street, Tulare, CA, facility sometime in fiscal 2023. It is not yet clear as to where the cut/wrap processing will be moved to within existing facilities.
New Seal Partners 2022 YTD – Summary -
CMAB Seal partners are broken down into 4 groups:
Cut/Wrap Processors – Companies who cut/wrap cheese and assist in distributing it Brand Marketers (BM) – Companies that own a brand/product but no processing facility Cheese Processors (RCM) – Companies that process and market cheese Dairy Product Processors (RCM) – Companies processing dairy products other than cheese
Our new partners as of mid-February 2022 include the following:
• Mox Foods – (BM) Works with Scott Brothers Dairy and offers a premium quality proprietary formulation of European Style Soft Serve & Shake Mix made from only 5 clean and natural ingredients including grass fed dairy. Their mix was created to be the best tasting and most consistent product on the market and is inspired by chefs. They supply high end hotels, restaurants, and chains with many premium quality products for the foodservice industry.
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