2022 March Board Book


 A total of of 153 in-store demonstrations were conducted for KC Dairy and I-Mei’s 1.89L CA ESL milk as well as Ging Yuan’s 226g “Cascade Dairy” cream cheese at major hypermarket/ supermarket chains, such as Carrefour Taiwan, Taiwan Fresh and PX-Mart Supermarket, to increase awareness and further push sales on RCM Seal- bearing retail products. • Taiwan CA dairy importer Grand Dairy’s two newly developed 250-g retail-pack cheese shreds, using Real California Mozzarella and Red Cheddar, were launched and distributed via A-Mart’s 15 hypermarket stores as well as Carrefour Taiwan’s 69 hypermarket stores. A-Mart has scheduled two waves of co-op promotions, with sales promotion of “Buy any two & get an RCM insulated lunch cooler bag for free” and being advertised via A-Mart’s direct mailer. A total of 10 in-store demonstrations will also be conducted in November at A-Mart’s four high traffic stores to help introduce these two new products to store visitors. Carrefour Taiwan will also be featuring Grand Dairy’s retail pack CA cheese shreds on its direct mailers, sales promotion as well as RCM giveaways will also be provided to enhance sales. • CMAB-Taiwan had collaborated with Carrefour Taiwan’s 69 hypermarket stores this month to conduct a co-op promotion for Taiwan CA dairy importer - Grand Dairy’s two newly launched 250-g retail-pack cheese shreds, using Real California Mozzarella and Red Cheddar. A sales promotion of “Buy any two & get a RCM insulated lunch cooler bag for free” was also incorporated along with Carrefour’s direct mailer advertising the two new products. According to Grand Dairy, up to 16,000 packs of Real California Mozzarella and Red Cheddar shreds have been sold via A-Mart and Carrefour hypermarket store outlets since its inauguration in late October.


Trade Status

• Lácteos Ochoa:

o In process of developing e-commerce platform.

• Laben: o We currently have 7 cataloged skus in HEB, 3 of them are HEB private label, and we have 7 more in process of setting up. Support will be given once they are set up. o Support given for Pizza de prisa and Carnicería Ramos uniforms. • ANTAD:

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