2022 March Board Book
• Advertising Over-Delivered/Added-Value: 598K Impressions • Social Media Amplification: 455K Impressions • SEM: 36K Impressions • Paid Amplification YouTube: 240K Impressions Contest/Competition Support • Dairy2Go Social Amplification: 13K Impressions • Pizza Social Amplification: 706K Impressions Sustainability Milk Jug Recycling Campaign Results: 304 Stories/Placements/137.5M Impressions In early Q4, the CMAB launched a public information campaign in partnership with MilkPEP to support recycling of plastic ½ gallon and gallon milk jugs. The “Recycle The Jug” initiative encourages consumers to recycle their HDPE (#2) plastic milk jugs, while presenting information on the plastic recycling process. It is being
supported by an integrated communications program that includes radio ads, social media influencer integration, earned media and a standalone website – recyclethejug.com. A Spanish language version of the site and media materials launched in November. The campaign is supported by partners in the dairy and recycling industry and includes a new “Recycle the Jug” icon, which will soon be appearing on milk jug packaging. The CMAB partnered with lifestyle influencers to communicate “Recycle The Jug” messaging. Mythbusting
CMAB continued the search + intercept and content discovery campaign designed to help dispel common myths about California dairy and sustainability. This included sponsored ads through Taboola, as well as a three-part sponsored article partnership with the LA Times with the first part launching in Q4 and the remainder in Q1 of 2022. Dairy Mythbusting: Taboola Sustainability: 7.4M Impressions (represents a partial month, as content launched in late Q3) Health & Wellness: 13.2M Impressions LA Times Sponsored Content (1): : 5.6M (Full impressions pending) California Dairy Reputation California Dairy Farmer Social Influencer Team Results: 114 Posts/214K Impressions
CMAB supported farmer team member content development to encourage positive conversations about California dairy in their social communities, which included recommendations around
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