2022 December Board Book

California Student Teams to Prepare for National New Product Competition CDIC, in collaboration with Business

Development staff presented opportunities to compete for prizing by entering DMI’s 2023 national new product competition, which features $16,000 in cash prizes. CDIC and DMI staff also met with faculty and student teams at CalPoly Pomona; California State University, Long Beach; Chapman University; and Fresno State to announce and promote the program. DMI and CMAB staff presented their respective programs at a Food Science class of California State University, Long Beach.

Dr. Cheryl Rock, California State University Long Beach hosted CMAB/ CDIC and DMI staff at her Food Science Class. Multiple teams throughout California will compete for the 2023 DMI new product competition. .


Plastic-free Milk Dispensers

CMAB and CDIC staff were invited to visit the new Google campus in Mountain View to better understand the scale of the operations and the challenges Google faces as it seeks to replace all single-serve utensils and containers from its food service operations. This long term project is an interesting challenge for the industry and will involve CDIC and CMAB staff (business development and food service teams). Meetings with

solution providers, regulatory reviews and design of new equipment are among the next steps planned.

Milk and dairy products are offered to Google employees at over 300 mini kitchens, coffee stations and multiple restaurants in locations worldwide.. Replacing single-use plastics is an imperative for Google’s massive food service operations.

Continuing Education

Short-courses planned for Q1 2023 :

January 8-9, 2023 Coffee, Tea, Milk and Creamers - The Science of Milk and Art of Coffee

Chapman University, Ranney Processing Lab, Orange, California This workshop will introduce students to the science of roasting coffee; milk, and creamers fundamentals; and how to develop innovative coffee and tea milk-based products. Experts will share tips on formulations for ready-to-drink aseptic and shelf-stable products and processing know-how -- from Thai tea to Vietnamese coffee, RTD cappuccinos to lattes. Registration: $450, Academia $250. Info at: rokelly@chapman.edu

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