2022 December Board Book

Content Engagement

Stella n Spice Delivered Added-Value and High

Top Performing Taboola Headline

Key Insights from Results • Overal l , Q3 PR implementat ions were l ighter compared to Q2, largely due to two retai l campaigns that bookended the quarter , del iver ing part ial resul ts for each: Summer Snacking and Hi spanic Her i tage Content Highl ights

Month; there was al so a reduct ion in press releases, which generate a high number of stor ies and impress ions: 2 in Q3 vs 5 in Q2 • A press release announcing the Excelerator campaign generated the most impress ions among al l tact ics dur ing the quarter

• Among tact ics, the Mythbust ing paid Taboola campaign generated the most impress ions outs ide of press releases wi th mobi le and tablet dr iving the strongest CTR. The headl ine connect ing “cheese and heal thy aging” generated the highest interest among readers.

• Stel la n Spice del ivered added-value by shar ing out her TikTok post on IG, increas ing her del iverables by 23% at no addi t ional charge


RCM Seal

CMAB-Driven Traditional + Social + Paid + Earned 95%


CA Dairy +




Percent of Total Impressions*

Percent of Total Impressions*

Priority Products Percent of Impressions* Fluid Milk: 95% Cheese: 47%

Yogurt/Ice Cream: 46%



CA Dairy +

CA Dairy +

Health & Wellness Percent of Total Impressions* 94%

(Content from Coverage Tracker) 799K Stories/Posts CMAB-Driven Traditional + Social + Paid + Earned

Percent of Total Impressions*

Q3 Consumer Snapshot

Priority Occasions Percent of Impressions* Snacking: 47%

*may exceed 100%, as a story/post can include multiple priorities/messages

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