2020 December Board Book
• MilkPEP: Branded and amplified MilkPEP’s “All of Us” video on Hulu and within contextually relevant content on the web and on Facebook/Instagram. • Support Local: Social and digital banner ads targeted in CA encouraging support for local farmers by purchasing RCM dairy. • SoCal Milk Drop: Used digital banners to
encourage consumers to buy RCM dairy products within an online grocery shopping platform available in Los Angeles County and Orange County. The partnership included promo code for free delivery. • Hispanic-Style Dairy: Showcased RCM Hispanic-style dairy and traditional recipes/flavors using RCM dairy products. • Upcoming Holiday Mornings Mean More :
#MorningsMeanMore than ever before. Social, banners, and influencers will encourage consumers to utilize breakfast (with Real California Dairy) during the holidays. Breakfast Books: This initiative is in development and launching early 2021. We are creating a series of three children’s stories that will be both printed and digital. The idea is to give parents a tool to bring their family together over breakfast in the morning. These books are designed to be read in five minutes and will be fun for both kids and parents. There will be paid media and influencer support for this initiative.
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