September 2017 Board Book

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Volume 21 Issue 7

August 2017

Summary of the August 2, 2017 Producer Review Board Meeting

The Producer Review Board (Board) met on August 2, 2017 to review the draft language of a stand-alone Quota Implementation Plan (Plan) and listen to public comments.

The revised Plan with the Board edits as discussed at the meeting are available on-line at: or you may request a copy from the Department by contacting Candace Gates at (916) 900-5139. Anyone wishing to comment on the draft Plan may do so in writing to the Department. To allow additional time for review of the revised Plan, the comment period has been extended by one week. All written comments must be received by the Department no later than 4:00 p.m., Wednesday, August 30, 2017. Comments must be addressed to Candace Gates, CA FMMO Coordinator, at .

The Board will meet again on September 12, 2017 at the Modesto Centre Plaza (in conjunction with the Double Tree Hotel), to review public comments and adopt a recommendation to the Secretary.

Upon approval by the Secretary, the Plan will be mailed to all eligible producers for a referendum vote. There is no bloc voting in this referendum process as it is expressly prohibited under California law. The referendum period will remain open for 60 days and is expected to be concluded by early December.

Should you have any questions on the comment period, please contact Candace Gates at (916) 900-5139 or at .

MilkStabilizationAdministrativeAssessments Temporarily Suspended

The Milk Stabilization Administrative Fees collected to fund the operations of the Dairy Marketing Branch will be suspended, effective with milk produced on or after September 1, 2017.

It is anticipated that the Fees will be suspended for a minimum of six months, in order to draw down the program’s cash balance to a three-month reserve. The Branch will continue to monitor the program’s cash balance and provide further notification at such time that it is necessary to re-establish the Fees.

For additional information regarding the suspension of these Fees, please visit: .

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