September 2017 Board Book
Thanks again for your support and we look forward to working with you and your team in the months ahead.
Best regards,
David Treiber VP Bulk/Industrial/Export Sales California Dairies, Inc.
Japan Processor Reverse Trade Mission (Thank you note from King Cheese)
Subject: Asia
Hello Everyone, Don't know if I emphasized this enough...THANK YOU!!
The help and contacts you are offering us in the Asian markets are PRICELESS!! I tell everyone, there is no way I will be getting into any of the Asian markets, if it weren't for CMAB. I've exported into Canada and Mexico, I am aware of the complications and the efforts involved in exporting. Your help and the program you've set up with HarbyrCo has made this opportunity effortless and a NO BRAINER. Thanks again and keep up the GREAT work!
Vic King Cheese Corp.
South Korea
Below is an unedited monthly report from South Korea so that you will have a snapshot of both the breadth and depth of what our international reps are doing. These reports are too long for us to share regularly and certainly for every market, but occasionally it is valuable for you, our board members, to have exposure to what these great partners are doing on our behalf:
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