September 2017 Board Book
KIDS MILK MARKETING/FUEL UP TO PLAY 60 ______________________________________________________________________________
Fuel Up to Play 60 Hometown Grants • Work began to schedule fall Hometown Grant events with the Rams (Oct. 10), Chargers (Oct. 24) and San Francisco 49ers (TBD). Team Activations / Amplifications • Fuel Up to Play 60 and Summer Meals Program information was distributed to 1000 student participants in a May 4 th Field Day conducted by the Los Angeles RAMS. • The RAMS used 3 rd round draft pick John Johnson to produce a PSA in support of Summer Meals Programs that was distributed on their channels, through Dairy Council of CA and by CMAB. • CMAB and Dairy Council participated in the May 12 th T.H.I.N.K. Gold event for female high school athletes. Dairy Council dietitians Maureen Bligh and Kristal Shelden provided information on dairy foods and sports nutrition and Fuel Up to Play 60 information was shared. • CMAB partnered with Dairy Council to host a Summer Meals kickoff event May 16 th at the 49ers training facility for partners in the Santa Clara area. The event included speakers from FUTP 60, Dairy Council, Santa Clara School District, Second Harvest Food Bank and Boys + Girls Clubs of Silicon Valley as well as an on-field practice session with 49ers Youth Football staff.
FUTP 60 Evaluation • Telephone survey of FUTP 60 participants was conducted by MEG Research and results compiled for final analysis. • Outreach began to partner and team organizations to compile survey data. • Work began on final report for September board presentation.
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