September 2017 Board Book
California Milk Advisory Board 2316 Orchard Parkway Tracy, CA 95377 ______________________________________________ 209 883-MILK ∙
CONTACT: Kris Costa (209) 690-8248 Corrin Macedo (209) 690-8240
SAMPLE: Dairy Princess Contest Announcement Press Release – Announcement Press Releases Distributed to Local Media For All Eight Competitions
NEW DAIRY PRINCESS CROWNED Tristan Rowell of Lemoore Selected as District 7 Dairy Princess
TRACY, Calif. – July 3, 2017 – Tristan Rowell of Lemoore was selected as the 2017 Dairy Princess for the California Milk Advisory Board’s (CMAB) District 7. Jolene Simas of Lemoore was selected as the 2017 Alternate Dairy Princess. The coronation took place before a crowd of approximately 400 dairy industry members, their families and friends, on Friday, June 30, 2017, at the Hanford Civic Auditorium in Hanford. Retiring Dairy Princess Ashley Avila and Alternate Dairy Princess Brigit Simas ended their reigns by relinquishing their titles to Tristan and Jolene, and wished them well as the ladies represent the California dairy industry throughout the coming year. Tristan will represent District 7, which includes Kings County. As Dairy Princess, she will play an important role on the CMAB’s Communications Services team in meeting community relations objectives. Tristan is the daughter of Butch Rowell and Tricia Soares of Lemoore. She is a recent graduate of Lemoore High School and plans to attend West Hills Junior College in the fall, with the goal to become an agriculture teacher. Tristan was a member of Lemoore FFA, participated on the dairy judging team and raised a replacement heifer for the 2017 Kings County Fair. She was also a four-year member of Lemoore High School cheer team and held a 4.0 GPA.
An instrumentality of the Department of Food & Agriculture, State of California
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