September 2017 Board Book
Reach: April – July 2017: 104.6 M
Key Message Pull-Through
“California is the number one dairy state in the whole nation.” - Nicky Sanders, Armstrong & Getty Show interview “Try Real California Milk post-gym. Milk has more protein for muscle strength than other beverages – w/o added calories & sugars” – Nurse Barb Dehn
Objective: June Dairy Month
Objective: Marginalize Margarine
California Dairy Princesses, CMAB Spokesperson Nurse Barb Dehn and California press release help promote the nutritional benefits of Real California Milk
Dairy Princess Nicky Sanders represented the California dairy industry and promoted Real California Milk butter during an interview on the Armstrong & Getty Show
Total Reach: 426K Impressions
Total Reach: 1.7 M Impressions
Objective: Expand Ethnic Foods
Nationally distributed Hispanic Dairy Flavor Trail infographic along with social media micro-influencers, promoted Hispanic style dairy products
Total Reach: 80.5M Impressions
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