2023 December Board Book
2024 Dairy Fats as Healthy Fats* Researcher: Dr. Sean Adams, UC Davis, School of Medicine 2024 Budget: $49,916; CMAB REQUEST $37,437 (Project Total $99,833) *Project is co-funded 50/50 with National Dairy Council (NDC).
Background: There continues to be a public health discussion around the role of dairy foods as part of a healthy dietary pattern, and more specifically the health impacts of full-fat vs. low-fat dairy. For instance, low-fat dairy continues to be favored in the U.S. Dietary Guidelines for Americans, due in part to lower calories but also considering the reduced saturated fat content compared to full-fat dairy. This is despite the weight of evidence from studies and scientific literature reviews showing neutral to positive effects of full fat dairy intakes on cardiometabolic health. A better understanding of the specific fats that are impacted by dairy consumption is critical to support the science that impacts public health policy and consumer perceptions.
The study team has identified several xenolipids in dairy foods that have bioactiv ities linked positively to health, suggesting that dietary fat transformations by the gut microbiota can lead to healthy fats. However, the relative contribu tions of the food vs. the gut microbial sources to these xenolipids remain to be assessed. Industry Benefit: Should it be confirmed that dairy fat consumption leads to higher levels of unique healthful xenolipids, it could open the door to public policy and health messaging changes in California that include full fat dairy products as a source of healthy fats. This out come would have significant consumer impact and could influence school meal programs in terms of including full fat dairy products in the program portfolio. SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY
2020 – 2024 Tricolored Blackbird Habitat Restoration Research
Lead Project Management: Audubon California 2024 Budget: $15,000; CMAB REQUEST $11,250
Background: Tricolored Blackbird nesting on winter triticale fields creates a con flict when fields need to be harvested for silage before young birds have left their nests. When harvest is delayed, the forage crop undergoes excessive drying and can no longer be used as silage, resulting in a severe or even total loss of feed value for the affected acreage and impacting dairy operations. CDRF will support this project through research on how to best draw tricolored birds away from nesting on dairies, and/or mitigate the negative effects of tricolors nesting on dairies. Industry Benefit: Multi-stakeholder collaboration aimed at reducing economic burdens related to tricolored blackbird nesting habits and improving animal welfare and industry reputation.
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