2024 September Board Book
According to our Q2 Brand Health tracking report, California Dairy is maintaining strength across key metrics, even with lower TV spend, and has a strong foundation going into the next big campaign. Awareness of California Dairy remains strong and California Dairy continues to surpass Wisconsin Dairy in key metrics among Californians. In terms of the RCM seal, awareness remains near universal, exceeding 90%, as other key metrics remain stable. We’re pleased to track brand health metrics around Sustainability in markets where we’ve run our Sustainability campaigns. In Los Angeles, San Diego, and Sacramento, sustainability metrics are stronger than in markets where our work hasn’t run. Search Engine Marketing In Q2 2024, we increased the proportion of total spend for Brand keywords in order to increase our SOV (Share of Voice). We ran Sub-Brand at a lower spend in order to allow additional spend to maintain a higher SOV for our Core Brand campaign. We will continue to optimize toward the most cost-efficient keywords, increase funds toward Dairy Holidays to uphold the efficient CPC, and decrease spend toward Spanish-language keywords and search ads to support Core Brand SOV. Top keywords from the Upcycling campaign were added to the always-on Sustainability search campaign due to the click volume performance. Lastly, to ensure we do not duplicate efforts across brands, we continue meeting with MilkPEP, DMI, Dairy Council of California, and CA Milk Processor Board search teams several times throughout the year.
Q2 2024 Paid Search: Impressions
Appendix Paid Social Performance: The chart below shows social metrics for evergreen content across FB/IG, TikTok, and Pinterest through CMAB and influencer channels, from April through June 2024.
April 1–June 30, 2024:
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