2024 September Board Book


Production of Pathogen-Free Pelletized and Granulized Products from Dairy Manure Solids RESEARCHER: Dr. Ruihong Zhang, UC Davis TIMELINE: 2022 – 2024 OBJECTIVES: 1. Study the different types of manure on dairy farms. 2. Create pelletized or granulized products from dairy manure. 3. Test infrared heating to kill pathogens in dairy manure. 4. Analyze the costs of making pelletized or granulized products. 5. Develop recommendations for making biofertilizers from dairy manure. BENEFITS: • Helps dairies manage excess nutrients in manure. • Provides additional opportunities to store, transport, and use manure products. Dairy Cares Communications and CDQAP Support PROJECT LEAD: Michael Boccadoro, Dairy Cares TIMELINE: 2024 OBJECTIVES: 1. Increase awareness of California dairy farmers’ sustainable farming practices. 2. Foster partnerships between dairy farmers, state agencies, researchers, and stakeholders. 3. Support communications for the California Dairy Quality Assurance Program (CDQAP). BENEFITS: • Promotes collaboration among dairy farmers, state agencies, researchers, and stakeholders. • Develops metrics and outreach materials showcasing California dairy farmers’ leadership in sustainable practices. Visit www.dairycares.com for more information.

Partnership for Climate-Smart Commodities Grant Awarded to CDRF in 2023

In 2023, CDRF (along with CDFA, the University of California, Dairy Cares and other California dairy organizations) was awarded $85M in funding by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) under the Partner ships for Climate-Smart Commodities (PCSC) program to provide incentives to producers to adopt advanced climate-smart manure management practices, measure greenhouse gas and nitrogen benefits of these technologies and practices, and develop markets for climate-smart commodities.

The largest program in the PCSC grant is the Dairy PLUS Program, established under CDFA’s Office Dairy PLUS Program awards $18M in first year; 2024 applications in progress

of Environmental Farming and Innovation (OEFI) that awards competitive grants to California dairy farms for the imple mentation of advanced manure management practices that reduce both methane emissions and nutrient surplus, and improves water quality. California dairy producers are eligible to apply for Dairy PLUS Program dollars in conjuction with an Alternative Manure Management Program (AMMP) or Dairy Digester Research and Development Program (DDRDP) application, including producers that have previously been awarded DDRDP or AMMP projects. Producers should refer to the CDFA solicitation for cost-share funding eligibility amounts and specific program details. In late fall of 2023, California dairy producers’ applications were awarded nearly $18 million for 14 projects. Currently, the Dairy PLUS Program is preparing to receive the 2024 applications, which will be due by 5 p.m., Oct. 18 (see website below for details). Grant awardees for 2024 will be notified by early 2025. See our Climate-Smart Grants page at www.cdrf.org or go directly to the CDFA site at www.cdfa.ca.gov/oefi/dairyplus.


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