2024 September Board Book

Dairy Advocacy

California State Fair CMAB was enthusiastic to once again participate in the California State Fair. In addition to a beautifully curated display by our Communications Team in the California Grown Pavillion, our Producer Relations team and Dairy Princess Ambassadors attended the Dairy Show from July 21 st -23 rd . The ladies hosted an informational table and were able to interact with the public, providing promotional items and great

converation about California Dairy. In addition, the Dairy Princesses handed out

ribbons during the dairy show. This event allowed many positive public interactions and we’re happy report that the members of the public we met were excited about dairy and had an overall positive impression of the Califonria Dairy Industry.

Advocacy Bootcamps & Advocacy Warm Up CMAB hosted three “ Advocacy Bootcamps ” in late August, August 26 th in Tulare, August 28 th in Modesto and August 29 th in Petaluma. Attendees received 2 hours of advocacy education and 1 hour of optional advocacy practice time. Ahead of Advocacy Bootcamp, in July, dairy producers were provided the opportunity for a 2- hour “Advocacy Warmup” seminar via Zoom to sharpen their skills ahead of summer events and local fairs. These events were requested by producers and are made possibe through our partnership with Ketchum.

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