2024 May Board Book
The total users who visited the site in February were 5,956 being 99.26% new users. This month our engagement rate increased 44.48% and the main traffic sources were organic search and referral.
Our communication strategy was focused on posting recipes in our social media with links to our website. As a result, the most visited pages are home page and recipes.
Finally, the three most visited recipes are three cheese lasangna, chilaquiles verdes and cheese molletes, which means that consumers are looking for more recipes ideas and easiest ways to enjoy dairy products in their daily meals. Also, they’re looking for products that add value in any sort of way: nutrition, flavor, consistency, etc.
PR & Media
During february we had a campaign wih Record in Facebook and Instagram. This strategy is focused on reaching men who love sports and enjoy eating snacks. Also, Record helps us to reach a different target and highlight the key message of our main campaign “Taste the authentic”. We sponsored the kick-off of the Mexican League, participating in two of the most important soccer games. We appeared in 18 posts, including players alignment, score during the game and final score.
Total Results: We reached 1,350,414 people with 58,066 interaction
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