2023 December Board Book

Multi-Strategies Activities

Small Plant Feasibility Study As follow-up to this activity, staff and consultants continue to evaluate the needs of universities and the opportunities to build small pilot plants with dual capacity (academic and commercial production on a small scale). Staff have interviewed several engineering companies and pursuing discussions with Integrated Food Engineering, WA, for the development of proposals. Priority is for Fresno Sate and Chico State.

Innovation Grants for Industry The Pacific Coast Coalition completed a third round of grants totaling $300,000 on September 29. Applications were open for a maximum of $50K for equipment and plant upgrades. Grant winners are being notified and list of awards will be posted at: https://www.dairypcc.net/ The next round of industry grants will be released January 2024. Industry meetings and Consultations CDIC staff met with representatives of the Steering Committee and other processors, as part of the process to update the CDIC Strategic Plan for 2024-2026. Several consultations were held with processors to discuss concept/product development projects.

Driving Export Sales

A meeting was held with Liquitank a company specializing in export of bulk liquids. Approval for the equipment was obtained by the

company for milk shipments, and connections were made with leading cooperative. Furthermore, case studies and potential for the technology will be presented to industry February 2024. The refrigerated containers could serve for exports of pasteurized fluid and/or concentrated milk and will be tested in California for this purpose. Diversifying Product Portfolio Samples of frozen desserts manufactured during the summer were evaluated for shelf-life. They include Hydroscoops (hydration ice creams) and Boozy Ice Creams. The samples exhibited no shrinkage, crystallization and maintained an excellent texture. The Dairy Products Technology Center worked on prototypes for Excelerator competition finalists.

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