2023 December Board Book

Dairy Princess Program

Dairy Princess Activities California’s Dairy Princesses were busy during the summer and fall of 2023 sharing the California Dairy message at local community events, fairs, and classrooms and elementary school events. In total, since training week, the princesses participated in 70 events and 2 classroom/school visits reaching approximately 735 students.

In addition, these young ladies are making a huge effort when it comes to utilizing social media as a vehicle to engage the public directly. Their use of social media increased and served as a reliable vehicle to promote the industry and the Dairy Princess program. The Dairy Princesses and Alternates made 186 social media posts creating 36,356 impressions ("likes" and "views").

Dairy Princess Planning Anastasia Stuyt serves as the Dairy Princess Coordinator; she works directly with the Dairy P rincess’ s to ensure they have what they need to be effective advocates for the dairy industry. The local Dairy Princess Chairwomen met on November 20 th , 2023 to discuss the upcoming year’s activities, including planning for spring contests and dairy princess training week.

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