2023 December Board Book

Key Opinion Leaders

The campaign Cooking With Toddlers using vanilla ice cream, highlighting the seal on the helado packaging, the total results obtained were a total of 33,481 people reached and a total of 35,326.


Total users who visited the site this month 2,972 where 99.15% are new users, this month our engagement rate to 55.48%. Main traffic sources of this month: Organic Search and Referral, visiting the following website pages/content – home page, our cows and our recipes. Our communication strategy focused on posting recipes in our social media with links to our website. Finally, the three most visited pages are Lasagna with three cheeses, bean and cheese molletes and baked with California milk, which means that consumers are looking for more recipe ideas and easiest ways to enjoy dairy products in their daily meals and for products that prove to add value in any sort of way (nutrition, flavor, consistency, etc.). Retail

Super Chivas

Summer anniversary campaign in supermarkets, which consisted of a dynamic where consumers could acquire prizes if they participated with a minimum purchase, the campaign was promoted with POP material, mentions on television, radio, influencers, social networks, and billboards.

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