2023 December Board Book

California Milk Advisory Board 2156 W Grant Line Road, Suite 100 Tracy, CA 95377 Telephone: 209-883-6455

I. Required Continuation Hearing – A public hearing must be held every five years to consider the CMAB’s continuation. The last continuation hearing was September 16, 2020. The next required continuation hearing will likely occur in the summer of 2025.

II. Fiscal Year – The CMAB’s fiscal year is January 1 to December 31.

III. Board Composition – The Board shall consist of 18 producer members and 18 producer alternates. There may also be a public member and public alternate who may not have a financial interest in the milk industry. There may not be more than 1 vote from any one production entity. Board seats are generally allocated in accordance with the number of milk producers within each district. The district allocation of Board seats is reviewed every three years.

IV. Role of Alternates – When a producer member is unable to attend a meeting, he or she may designate any alternate member from their district to serve in their place.

V. Interim Filling of Vacancies – When a producer member position becomes vacant, the Chairman may designate any alternate from the same district to serve as an interimmember until the next round of district nominations and preference voting during which CDFA will seek a replacement. When an alternate producer position becomes vacant, the Board may recommend and the Department may consider appointment of a producer to fill the vacancy or the position may remain vacant until the next round of district nominations and preference voting during which CDFA will seek a replacement. VI. Term of Office – The term of office for all members and alternates is 3 years. Terms are staggered so that one-third of the Board positions are filled each year. Terms begin March 1 and run through February 28 three years later. VIII. Selection /Appointment Process – All members and alternates are appointed by CDFA. Recommendations for producer appointments for each district are generated through a two-step mail process conducted each fall consisting of a self-nomination procedure followed by preference voting. Recommendations for the public positions are generated by a vote of the producer Board members. IX. Executive Committee – Each March the Board shall select an Executive Committee consisting of a Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer and three additional Board members. The Chairman is limited to three consecutive terms. X. Board Quorum and Board Voting Procedures – A quorum of the Board shall consist of 10 members. Except as provided in the two exceptions below, actions of the Board shall be valid if approved by a majority of the members present, provided there is a quorum of the Board present. • Any action recommending a minor amendment to the CMAB Marketing Order must be approved by not less than 75% of the producer members of the full Board. • Board actions related to the selection or dismissal of the CEO shall not be valid unless approved by a ⅔ vote of the full board . VII. Term Limits – The CMAB has no term limits. Board members and alternates may serve as long as they continue to be rechosen via their district’s nomination and preference voting process.


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