2023 December Board Book

6. The Board recommends, for approval by the Department, that authority be given to pay for meals, mileage, and other necessary expenses incurred by the District Dairy Princesses and their alternates while on official business. 7. The Board recommends, for approval by the Department, that alternate members be invited to attend one Board meeting in 2024 when it is held in their area or in other areas as approved by the Executive Committee and receive per diem and be reimbursed for expenses incurred for one such meeting. 8. The Board recommends, for approval by the Department, the continuance of the accidental death and dismemberment insurance for business travel coverage in the amount of $1 million for Board members, alternate members, employees, and consultants. 9. The Board recommends, for approval by the Department, that the Chairman of the Board be authorized to receive per diem and be reimbursed for incurred expenses while attending meetings or activities on Board business. In addition, the Chairman may appoint other Board members to attend a special meeting or function for which they will receive per diem and be reimbursed for incurred expenses.

10. The Board recommends, for approval by the Department, that the Chairman of the Board be authorized to receive an extra per diem every month for incidental Board business cell phone charges.

11. The Board recommends for approval by the Department, that authority be given to purchase flowers, plaques, or mementos, up to $250.00 as individual circumstances arise for immediate family members of the Board or CMAB staff.

12. The Board recommends, for approval by the Department, that authority be given to have an annual CMAB staff meeting and Christmas party, with an appropriate amount to be expended for each function.

13. The Board recommends, for approval by the Department, that authority be given that unless otherwise requested and approved by the CMAB Director of Producer Relations, district princesses and their alternates shall limit appearances to their own districts, for which they seek reimbursement for travel expenses. 14. The Board recommends, for approval by the Department, that authority be given that district princesses who are attending colleges or universities outside their districts must obtain prior approval from the CMAB Director of Producer Relations for proposed appearances in their districts that could otherwise be handled by alternate princesses. 15. The Board recommends, for approval by the Department, that the Moss Adams accounting firm be authorized to conduct the required 2023 fiscal year financial audit and the required 2023 fiscal year Agreed Upon Procedures compliance audit.

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