2023 December Board Book

2024 Administrative and Procedural Policy of the California Milk Producers Advisory Board

The Administrative and Procedural Policy set forth below is not intended to amend or modify relevant provisions within the Marketing Order for Research, Education, and Promotion of Market Milk and Dairy Products in California. The purpose of this policy is to clarify the general provisions of the Marketing Order. The policy may be amended from time to time upon recommendation of the California Milk Producers Advisory Board and approval of the Department of Food and Agriculture.


Officers of the Board

The Officers of the Board shall be the Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary, and Treasurer.

A. The Chairman shall: (1) call meetings of the Board when he deems it necessary; (2) preside at meetings of the Board; (3) sign contracts approved by the Board in conjunction with the Chief Executive Officer on behalf of the Board; (4) buy group meals as necessary; (5) be an ex officio member of all committees other than the Executive Committee; (6) recommend the establishment of committees; and (7) recommend committee appointments.

B. The Vice Chairman shall be first in line to act in the place of the Chairman in case of the Chairman’s absence, disqualification, disability, or at the discretion of the Chairman.

C. The Treasurer shall be second in line to act in the case of the absence, disqualification, disability, or at the discretion of the presiding officer. The Treasurer is responsible for reviewing the financial statement accounts to the Board.

D. The Secretary shall be third in line to act in the case of absence, disqualification, disability, or at the discretion of the presiding officer. The Secretary shall: (1) keep an accurate record of the proceedings of the Board; and (2) attest papers, documents, and other instruments on its behalf. E. As the terms of office of new members and alternate members are from March 1 through February 28 of the following year, and since usually a few days of March elapse before the newly-elected Board meets to elect new officers and Executive Committee members, the officers and Executive Committee members, as well as members of the special committees of the Board, shall be appointed to serve from March 1 of any given year through February 28 of the following year, or until their successors have been named and qualified for the following year.

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