2023 December Board Book
ter a culture of innovation within the California dairy industry and stimulate the creation of new products relevant to today’s consumers. This program helps connect the dots between entrepreneurs, food scientists, manufacturers, marketers, retailers and investors to help fa‐ cilitate and accelerate the new product development and commercialization processes. The program has evolved over the last four years from an initial focus on fuid milk innova‐ tion to snacking, to functional benefts, to a general open innovation theme this year and last. We have also really beefed up the mentor program that connects entrepreneurs with ex‐ perts in various product development felds and connected our cohorts with opportunities presented through the California Dairy Innovation Center. What impacts has the program had on the California dairy industry? TALBOT: Over the frst four years of the Real California Milk Excelerator, we felded 170 en‐ trants from which 45 fnalists were selected, and ultimately four grand prize winners were chosen. Seventeen products (39% of fnalists) are still in the market. Founder feedback has been outstanding. One of the real values they talk about is the input/feedback they receive from our mentor programs. The other, more intangible value this program creates is the en‐ TALBOT: Consumers are hard-wired to look for new products, there’s always a better mouse‐ trap. Consumer needs/attitudes are constantly changing, and the pandemic has accelerated this process. By providing new products that better meet their needs, we necessarily help generate greater demand. How are dairy farmers involved in the program? TALBOT: Our dairy farmer board of directors reviews the program details each year, and we always try to have a dairy farmer on the judging panel. We make the fnal pitch event avail‐ able for farmers to attend live or virtually. Seven producers have entered product ideas in the past and three have made the fnals. It’s also important for each year’s cohort to connect with California dairy producers and pro‐ cessors, which we coordinate through live and virtual tour events. ergy of innovation and the optimism for growth that permeates the industry. How are you growing demand and connecting with consumers?
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