2023 December Board Book

Industry Benefit: CDQAP provides California producers and allied industry with free, universal access to the most current science-based management practices and compliance assistance information relative to the environment, food safety, farm security and humane animal care. When environmentally certified through the CDQAP program California dairy facilities have less risk for enforcement actions, benefit from reduced on-farm regulatory inspection frequency, and receive a significant reduction in their annual permit fees. CDQAP informs dairy producers about new medication regulations protecting antibiotic effectiveness for both humans as well as their own livestock. CDQAP leads a working group advising CDFA on mortality disposal issues facing the dairy industry, and this year embarks on a three-year research project on carcass composting in California.

For more information about CDQAP, visit cdqap.org

2024 Feed Industry Fellowship with a Focus on Dairy Feed Researcher: Dr. Heidi Rossow, UC Davis Veterinary Medicine Teaching and Research Center 2024 Budget: $99,787; CMAB REQUEST $74,840 Background: Graduates from animal nutrition degree programs are often well trained in the science of nutrition but have no practical knowledge of the dairy industry. This internship will partner university educated interns with feed companies, and dairy consultants to conduct on-farm dairy nu trition research and develop a qualified workforce for the dairy and feed industries. Industry Benefit: This project supports the development of knowledge able practicing nutritionist for the Califoirnia dairy industry. The result will be leaders who can identify potential areas of concern and can use their scientific knowledge balanced with real world experience to make informed recommendations to enhance the sustainability of the dairy industry. To date, 15 fellows have completed their fellowship, resulting in their continuing their careers as: 6 nutritionists, 4 technical service reps, 2 Ph.D. / Post Doc in progress, 1 farm advisor (Tulare Co.), 1 USDA meat inspector,1 dairy owner.


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