2023 December Board Book
Health & Wellness Dairy Mythbusting Results: 3.8M Impressions / 17.7K Clicks Average CTR Performance of 0.47%
The CMAB continues to share mythbusting messaging with audiences through social media and partnerships, as well as through sponsored ads. CMAB amplified health and wellness messaging through sponsored content targeted to everyday athletes, as well as to parents with children who play Fall sports through the headline: “Want to eat like pro athletes? Dairy foods made with real California milk can improve sports performance – from pro to everyday athletes.” This content had the most engagement at 0.51% CTR, above the platform average, and was featured
on online publications including WebMD and Yahoo. International Fresh Produce Association Meeting
CMAB participated in a CA Grown session for retail dietitians during the International Fresh Produce Association Annual Conference in Anaheim where the new Retail Nutrition Marketing Kit for California dairy was shared.
Sustainability B2B Outreach Results: 1 Post/8.3K Impressions CMAB amplified a Starbucks sustainability video showcasing dairy sustainability practices on a California dairy farm on LinkedIn.
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