2022 September Board Book

❖ Collaborative Program to Promote the Goodness of Milk on Cartons

The CMAB is offering all California milk processors the opportunity to participate in a side panel collaboration with the CMAB, ADPI, Dairy Council and MilkPEP to emphasize the goodness of milk. The goal is to get processors of milk in paper cartons to run an informational panel design as close to simultaneously as possible. With consumers eating 80% of meals at home, this is an opportunity to communicate the goodness of milk to a captive audience. The program will incorporate the Strong Inside logo and messaging, the got milk? logo, Dairy Council’s Let’s Eat Healthy and claims the USDA has approved about milk, including messages about higher protein, immunity support and even better hydration. A QR Code will take consumers to a Dairy Council “Eat Healthy” page featuring the health benefits of Dairy. The CMAB has been contacting milk processors directly to solicit participation. This is to fulfill our tactical plan of using key dairy product front and side packaging to communicate the great health benefits of dairy products. Here is what THIS YEAR’s side panels will look like when they are expected to be on milk cartons and some milk jugs in the 4 th Quarter of 2022.

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